Banana Pancake Recipe Card

Banana Pancake Recipe Card

Banana Pancake

Main Ingredients

  • 3 eggs

  • 300-450ml Milk

  • 45g/3tbsp Plain flour

  • Pinch of sugar

  • 2 Bananas

  • Margarine

  • Syrup


  1. Put the eggs in a big bowl and then whisk.

  2. Add the milk and whisk , then add flour and whisk again.

  3. Heat a bit of the mixture in a non-stick pan with a little melted butter. Flip when it is crispy brown on the edge and then put on a plate.

  4. Chop the bananas in slices. Heat the banana in pan and fry them until they are brown on both sides.

  5. To serve, place two pieces of banana in the centre of a pancake. Put a dollop of syrup on top of the banana.

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