(PDF) The Chronic Kidney Solution Book By Shelly Manning
Published: Jul 06, 2024
The chronic kidney disease solution is a three-phase online healing regime that helps you manage, treat and heal Chronic Kidney Disease in a safe, natural and effective manner. According to the National Kidney Foundation, approximately 33% of American adults have kidney disease. But 50% of Americans are unaware that they even have it. This is extremely frightening, considering the fact that it can be fatal if you don't have dialysis or kidney transplant. Yes, these are the only two options that doctors will give you. Both are very difficult on your health, finances, mental and physical well-being, and life. The chronic kidney disease solution is an easy-to-implement natural treatment protocol to treat kidney disease. It will relieve your symptoms, manage your kidneys and reverse the damage.

Official Website ===>>> https://eurl.live/chronickidneydiseasesolution

What is the Chronic Kidney Disease Solution (CKS)?
Dialysis or a kidney transplant is the only known cure for chronic kidney disease. Another option is a common treatment that controls the underlying cause to slow the progression of kidney disease. It is a good option, but often it involves prescription drugs, unnatural treatments and a list of side effects. The Chronic kidney Disease Solution offers a natural alternative to the standard treatment plan. This online program teaches the most popular and effective natural methods of managing and treating kidney diseases.

You will find a wealth of information on chronic kidney disease. This includes the causes, risks, stages, diagnosis and more. It covers topics like:

What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
What causes it
Chronic inflammation and tissue injury
What gut biome does your condition affect?
Lifestyle choices that are powerful
Natural remedies for Chronic Kidney disease
There's much more
You will receive a powerful, but simple three-phase protocol which shows you how to put your newly acquired knowledge into practice. It includes easy-to follow, step-bystep instructions on foods to avoid and foods to eat. There are also supplement recommendations, guidance for exercise, stress management as well as a sample meal plan.

The chronic kidney disease solution can be downloaded immediately. You can get immediate access, and you can download the program to your device for easy, convenient and quick access.

Who is the creator of The Chronic Kidney disease Solution?
Shelly Manning, a natural health practitioner, is the creator of The chronic kidney disease solution. She found that patients who improved their kidney function were the ones who most celebrated their progress. She used her experience and expertise to identify the most effective methods of improving kidney function and created this program for everyone, not just her clients.

Chronic Kidney Disease Solution Overview
The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution consists of a comprehensive three-phase program.

Phase 1: Protect Kidney Damage
Phase 2: Restore Kidney function
Phase 3: Repairing and renewing Kidney Tissue
This approach teaches you the most effective methods to manage, treat and reverse kidney disease. It includes easy-to-follow instructions, food lists and meal plans, dietary advice, supplements, exercise tips, and pictures and diagrams. This allows for a simple and organized healing process.

The appendix section contains 12 healing suggestions and 12 sections of additional information on the causes, risks, diagnosis, stages, etc.

Here's a sneak preview to give you an idea of the overall program:

Chapter One: What, who and how of CKD
What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
What causes it? Who gets it?
What puts me at risk of getting CKD?
The pathogenesis of CKD
Diagnosis of CKD and its Stages
Traditional Prevention Strategies, Treatment and Advice
Four types of advice given to people with or at risk for CKD
Common Conventional Treatment/Management Strategy for CKD
What are the deeper causes of the causes?
What You Should Know from Chapter One
The Key Points
Chapter Two: I Get By with a Little (Little Friends) Help
Chronic Inflammation of the Microbiome
Inflammation: What is it?
Heart Disease and Diabetes are linked to Inflammation
Inflammation and CKD: The Bottom Line
What is the Microbiome?
The Microbiome: Its Important Features
The Development of the Microbiome
The Microbiome and CKD
Chapter Three: Lifestyle Perspectives to Healing CKD
Stress and sleep
How to get a good night's sleep and live stress-free
Stress can be reduced by using probiotics and microbiome.
Reducing stress and improving sleep with behavioral methods
Let Food Be Your Medicine
Special Prebiotics to Treat CKD
Chapter Four: Tools to Get Us Home
Natural Supplements for CKD
Dietary Foods/Drinks with Potent Properties for Combating CKD
Other Tools
The Stem Cell Therapy Tool that Restores Kidney Tissues after Supposedly Inevitable Damage
The Rainbow Renal Lifestyle Protocol for Reversing CKD
Goals for Healthy Kidneys Throughout Life
Rainbow Renal CKD Program
Appendix 1 - The Rainbow Renal diet program Phase 1.

Prevent Kidney Decline - Stabilize Your GFR
What to do - From theory to action
The Assessment
Suggested Protocol for Supplementation
Smoothie to Lower Blood Pressure
Appendix 2: Rainbow Renal Diet Phase 2

Improve your GFR - Restore kidney function
What to Do - From theory to action
The Assessment
Suggested Protocol for Supplementation
Smoothie Nobesity
Appendix 3 - The Rainbow Renal diet program Phase 3.

Repair and renew Kidney Tissue with Normal GFR
What to do - From theory to action
The Assessment
Suggested Golden Nugget Supplementation Protocol
Appendix 4 - Rainbow Renal Diet FAQ

Does a Low Potassium Diet Matter When You Have Kidney Diseases?
Appendix 5: Best foods for CKD

Appendix 6 - The Big No No's!

Appendix 7 Acid and Alkaline foods

Alkaline Foods: Good Options
Acidic foods - bad options
Appendix 8 - The Glycemic Index

Low Glycemic Index
Medium Glycemic Index
High Glycemic Index > 70
Appendix 9: Example Meal Plan for Renal Rainbow diet

Shopping Lists
Appendix 10 - Prebiotic Guidance

Appendix 11: List of sugars added to foods that should be avoided

Appendix 12: Safety Guide Supplement

Safety Supplements
The conclusion of the article is:
The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution will teach you how to manage, treat and reverse kidney disease naturally, without taking prescription drugs. The 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee allows you to try the program for yourself for two months without risk.

Official Website ===>>> https://eurl.live/chronickidneydiseasesolution

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