Gold And Grand Rehearsal Dinner For Wedding Invitation Gold And Grand Rehearsal Dinner For Wedding Invitation

Gold And Grand Rehearsal Dinner For Wedding Invitation

If you need to hold a rehearsal dinner for a wedding, you can try to create a beautiful invitation to invite your friend and family. Don't worry about the design, because you can try to use this beautiful gold and grand rehearsal dinner for wedding invitation template to help you create your own design, and use it to send to others. This template has a black color tone, a dinner photo, and some textbox to give you input your information. The invitation can be quickly and easily personalized through InfoART's online invitation editor tool. You can edit the message, change the background, the color choice, and the font selection. You can also add shapes, illustrations, and icons from the many choices in InfoART's asset library, or upload image files of your own from your device. When finished, you can share your invitation with your customer.

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Dominant Color
551 x 551 px

Join us for a Rehearsal Dinner

Let's Practice For Brenden & Chole Wedding Day

Date & Time: 30 November 2020 | 5PM

Venue: The Starz Hotel

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