Christmas Tree Buy One Take One Gift Card

Christmas Tree Buy One Take One Gift Card Christmas Tree Buy One Take One Gift Card Diese Vorlage bearbeiten
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Christmas customs are numerous, such as Christmas turkey, Christmas wood, holly, mistletoe, Christmas wreaths, and exchange of gifts. On this special day, you can try to hold some special event in your store. If you want to hold some event, you may need to create some gift cards for your customer. Don't worry about the design, because you can try to use this special Christmas tree gift card to help you create your own design. This template has a red color tone, a Christmas tree photo to be the background, and some textbox to give you input your information. This special gift card design is created by the online gift card maker tool InfoART, Since the template is customizable, you can change the colors to your favorite tints. Besides, you can include your words of gift as well as include your own photos, illustrations, clipart, icons, and more.

Not exactly the gift card you were looking for? Discover more outstanding gift card templates in the InfoART library!

Geschenkkarten Template Specifications:
Diese Geschenkkartenvorlage kann vollständig an Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst werden. Fühlen Sie sich frei, den Inhalt zu bearbeiten, Bilder zu ersetzen, Farben zu ändern, Designblöcke hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen und vieles mehr.
Dominant Color
559 x 397 px

Merry Christmas

Buy one take one just for you! 

This card valid from 22 Dec to 25 Dec Only.

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