Adventure Travel To Swissland Brochure

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Some people live in prosperous cities for a long time, tired of the hustle and bustle of life, and want to find a quiet and magical and exciting place to experience the fun of adventure. Accordingly, many countries have opened up adventure tourism.

  • Thailand’s elephant riding adventure tour, Denmark’s dog sledding adventure tour and so on.

  • Another type of adventure travel for the purpose of pursuing world records. Such as travel around the world by balloon, fly across the strait by pedal plane or taxi, travel around the world by yacht or boat, and cross the Atlantic by canoe.

  • There are many types of adventure tourism with a scientific investigation as the main purpose, such as mountain adventure tourism, desert adventure tourism, marine adventure tourism, forest adventure tourism, cave adventure tourism, polar adventure tourism, tracing wild animal adventure tourism, and finding human primitive tribes. Tourism etc.

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