Black Friday Restaurant Discount Flyer Meal Related Black Friday Flyer

Black Friday Restaurant Discount Flyer

On Black Friday, many consumers take this day as the golden moment to temporarily prepare Christmas gifts or buy bargains. It is also a good chance to hold a special service on Black Friday. This flyer template is created for a restaurant to propaganda their special menu on Black Friday. This flyer template has a food photo be the background, also has the sale detail and shop message. This flyer is created from InfoART, a flyer maker tool. You can even customize it to match your promo details. You can also add photos, editing text, adjust fonts, switching colors, and more is fast and straightforward.

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Selebaran Template Specifications:
Dapat disesuaikan:
Templat selebaran ini dapat sepenuhnya disesuaikan untuk menyertakan merek perusahaan, gambar, konten, dan elemen desain.
Dominant Color
827 x 1169 px

Restaurant Black Friday Discount

15% Off for all meal

Take a rest when shopping!!

Buat desain yang indah dengan cepat

Tidak memerlukan kartu kredit. Tidak ada kontrak yang harus dibatalkan. Tidak ada unduhan. Tidak ada biaya tersembunyi.