Bouquet Order Advert Facebook Post

Bouquet Order Advert Facebook Post Edit this Template
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When should you order a bouquet for the wedding party? It is recommended to order it three to six months before the wedding party. It takes a lot of time for preparing flowers for the decorations in a wedding party like floral installation and flowers walls. You have to communicate with the floral designers too for planning the floral elements. This is a Facebook post template design for the bouquet order of a wedding. This is an elegant Facebook post design with the image of a flower designed. In this template, a flower for the wedding image is designed to match the theme of the wedding. Purple is used as the background color to show a feeling of romance. This template is designed with Visual Paradigm Online. In Visual Paradigm Online, you can create your graphics with a selection of images. You are allowed to upload images from your device or choose your favorite from the Visual Paradigm photo library. You can also edit the text, colors, shapes, etc.

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Facebook Posts Template Specifications:
This Facebook post template can be customized within minutes. Feel free to edit its content, replace image(s), change colors, change design blocks and more.
Dominant Color
940 x 788 px

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