Analysis Canvas Software

Capture and organize ideas with analysis canvas

Use Analysis Canvas to Brainstorm and Structure Ideas

Analysis canvas is a popular tool to capture and organize ideas. An analysis canvas is divided into multiple named partitions. Each represents a group of data. Sticky notes or text can be added into the partitions to describe your ideas. When finished, share the canvas with your co-workers, partners and friends. Visual Paradigm provides a convenient Analysis Canvas tool that helps you achieve all these.

Simple partitioning

To create a partition is simple. Simply split a cell horizontally or vertically through popup menu, and then adjust the cell size by dragging the boundary resizer.

Represents ideas with sticky notes and memos

Jot your thoughts and ideas down onto the canvas as they develop and grow, using sticky notes and memos. A rich collection of notes and memos is provided. They have different looks and colors that serve and fit different needs and preferences.s

Represents ideas with sticky notes and memos

100+ analysis canvas templates that fit different purposes

100+ analysis canvas templates are available for you to start quickly, e.g. business model canvas, employee experience canvas, HR innovation canvas, etc. These templates are bases that come pre-filled with a relevant layout and sample content, serving as good starting points for building your own canvas. To get start, check out a template or two for inspiration, or just modify them to suit your own needs.

More than an Analysis Canvas software

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Create diagrams and charts in a simple and flexible way.

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