Feminist Quotes G.D. Anderson

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Feminist Quotes G.D. Anderson
Feminist Quotes G.D. Anderson
Feminist Quotes G.D. Anderson
Feminist Quotes G.D. Anderson
Feminist Quotes G.D. Anderson

"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong, it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." ―G.D. Anderson

Who is G.D Anderson?

Coming up to International Women’s Day on the 8th of March 2020, there is no better way to support strong women than to celebrate the achievements and journey of our very own female warrior G.D Anderson. G.D Anderson is the pseudonym for Geena Dunne (born 1993), an Australian feminist writer and founder of Australian charity, The Cova Project.

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Personal Life

Dunne grew up in Sydney, Australia with her younger sister Caillie (born 1996). Her first trip to Africa was on a family safari in 2006 where she inherited her father’s love of wildlife and developed the ambition of becoming a wildlife veterinarian. In 2009 Dunne began suffering from an unknown debilitating illness which came with seemingly endless rounds of excruciating tests and futile treatments. She described those years as: “a grueling time where my education was traded for blood tests and doctors appointments”.

The Cova Project

In 2018, with her sister Caillie, Dunne launched The Cova Project, which aimed to solve the problem of access to menstrual items she had earlier identified. Teaming up with Flowcup - a Swedish manufacturer of menstrual cups with a strong focus on philanthropy and sustainability - the objectives of The Cova Project became a reality.To date, The Cova Project has provided over 4,000 African women with access to a free menstrual cup. Menstrual cups are reusable for up to 10 years, providing a sustainable solution for women in developing communities. The Cova Project also provides education materials about menstruation for girls to be informed about basic physical health and personal development.In February 2019, The Cova Project became a registered Australian charity with tax deductible status. It now operates in Liberia, Malawi, Uganda, Ghana and South Africa, and works alongside local partners to provide community led support for those living without access to sanitary products.

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