Are you interested in cinematic drone shots? Sometimes it might be difficult to get stunning, cinematic aerial shots. Here are some tips for you. Hover your drone over your subject, then gently push up with the left stick and pull back with the right stick. Even though this shot is simple, the footage from the drone still looks fantastic.

This is a YouTube Thumbnail template design for cinematic drone shots. It is a modern thumbnail design for sharing the content of drone shooting. In this template, various images of drone shots are designed. They are cropped as circular shapes. Blue and gold colors are used as the main color theme of the template as well. This template is designed with Visual Paradigm Online. With this online design tool, you can create YouTube Thumbnails easily with dozens of templates that you can choose from. You can also freely edit your design with texts, images, colors, shapes, etc. 

Finding a template for designing YouTube Thumbnails? You can check out the templates of Visual Paradigm Online and make customization for the templates.

Gambar Kecil YouTube Template Specifications:
Dapat disesuaikan:
Templat thumbnail YouTube ini dapat sepenuhnya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Jangan ragu untuk mengedit konten, mengganti gambar, mengubah warna, menambah atau menghapus blok desain, dan banyak lagi.
Dominant Color
1280 x 720 px


For shooting with drone to create cinematic effect.

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