Salon Booking Voucher Gift Card

Salon Booking Voucher Gift Card Dynamic Hair Salon Discount Voucher Design Editar este modelo
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If you holding a salon and want to promote it, creating some gift cards maybe is a good way to help you promote your store. This is a salon booking voucher gift card template you can try to use this template to help you create your store's gift card design. This template has a green and yellow color tone, a salon photo, and some textbox to give you enter your salon's information. Designed with Visual Paradigm's gift card maker tool, the gift card template can be customized. You can edit the icons, color, and font selection. You can also edit the text content by including any inspirational messages, quotes, and wishes to your customers.

Not quite the gift card design you had in mind? Discover more awesome gift card templates on VP Online!

Cartões de oferta Template Specifications:
Este modelo de cartão de oferta pode ser totalmente personalizado de acordo com as suas necessidades, quer se trate de conteúdo, cores, layouts, blocos de design ou quaisquer outros elementos de design.
Dominant Color
559 x 397 px

This is special for you - Discount Voucher

Voucher ID: 120123

Value: $50 USD

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