Pink And Blue Ice-cream Photo Dessert Menu Pink And Blue Ice-cream Photo Dessert Menu

Pink And Blue Ice-cream Photo Dessert Menu

Does ice cream have the power to bring you happiness? It is, indeed! Ice cream contains both the protein and the fat that our bodies require to keep our moods stable. Additionally, eating ice cream exposes you to tryptophan, an amino acid believed to increase serotonin levels.

This is a menu template designed for dessert. This is an ice cream menu design with cute graphics and photos. In this menu, pastel colors are used as the main color palette of the whole menu design. Cute graphics of ice-cream icons are designed on the upper and bottom parts of the template. An image of ice cream ingredients is designed on the background of the menu as well. Cute text of the shop name "Cloudy Ice-cream" is also designed on the menu. This template is designed by Visual Paradigm Online. It is a convenient tool for you to design your graphics with thousands of templates. You can are allowed to select images from the photo library and drag out the image as the background of your design.

Are you looking for suitable templates for a cute menu? Consider using Visual Paradigm and choosing some designs there!

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Меню Template Specifications:
Данный шаблон меню может быть настроен для создания дизайна, соответствующего вашим требованиям. Вы можете редактировать содержимое, заменять изображения, менять цвета, добавлять или удалять блоки оформления и т.д.
Dominant Color
800 x 1200 px

Cloudy Ice-cream

  • Vanilla

  • Mango

  • Chocolate

  • Green Tea

  • Strawberry

  • Choco Mint

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