

Create and Host Your Flipbooks Yourself

Are you looking to bring your content to life in a captivating way? Look no further! At Visual Paradigm, we offer a powerful flipbook maker that suits your needs.

Step 1

Online Flipbook Creation

  • Easily create your flipbooks online
  • Convert documents and presentations into flipbooks
  • Perfect for quick and efficient content deployment
Step 2

Self-Hosted Flipbooks

  • Host your flipbooks on your terms, ensuring complete autonomy
  • Secure and reliable - your content, your way

Your Total Flipbook Solution

Host your publications on your own server

Dazzling Flipbooks

Engage readers with seamless page-flipping animations and an immersive reading experience. With the ability to self-host your flipbooks on your own domain, you have complete control over your content's accessibility and branding. Showcase your publications in a visually appealing manner and elevate your online presence.

Presentation Slideshow

Create visually stunning slideshows and seamlessly integrate them into your website or platform. With the ability to host the presentation slideshow on your own server, you have complete control over your content's security, accessibility, and customization.

Showcase Your Publications

Digital bookshelves offer instant access to your publications.

Virtual Bookshelf

Discover a virtual bookshelf that revolutionizes the way you showcase your publications. Our dynamic platform allows you to host your publications on your own server, giving you full control over security, accessibility, and customization. Create an immersive reading experience with visually stunning book covers and seamless navigation.

How does the self host option works?

  1. 01. Set up our flipbook server at your site.

  2. 02. Download the flipbooks from your online workspace.

  3. 03. Import them into the server.

  4. 04. Share with others using URLs or other means.

Pricing Information

  • Make sure you have a valid and active Visual Paradigm product license in order for the flipbook feature to function.

  • The self-hosted option is a separate service with a monthly subscription cost.

Publication Server Basic


Per server per month