Grand Opening Invitation 3 Simple Mint Color Opening Day Invitation Card Idea

Grand Opening Invitation 3

Wanna celebrate your new store? Want to invite people to join the grand opening? Here is a grand opening invitation for you to spread the celebration information and invite people to come and celebrate. With a clear design, this invitation template certainly draws people's attention. Need customization? You can tap into customization capabilities by simply changing the text and logo to suit your brand and event's unique needs. It's amazingly easy to make invitations to any event and for any purpose with an easy invitation maker like InfoART! Start editing the invitation design today!

Not exactly what you had in mind? Check out InfoART's broad selection of versatile invitation templates today.

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Einladungen Template Specifications:
Diese Einladungsvorlage kann angepasst werden, um ein Design zu erstellen, das Ihren Anforderungen entspricht. Sie können den Inhalt bearbeiten, Bilder ersetzen, Farben ändern, Designblöcke hinzufügen oder entfernen und vieles mehr.
Dominant Color
551 x 551 px

You are invited to participate in our Grand Opening!

-One Day VIP Pass Presented by Stardust International LTD.-

Date & Time: 30 July, 2020 | 13:00 - 18:00

Welcome to join us!

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