Gluta Raise Reviews And Complaints Consumer Reports
Published: Aug 14, 2024
Gluta Raise is a nutraville nutritional supplement, claims to reduce stress and help you lose weight.

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Gluta Raise is a daily supplement that can help you lose weight, reduce stress, anxiety and inflammation.

Does Gluta Raise work? How does Gluta Raised work? Continue reading to learn everything you need about Gluta Raise.

What is Gluta Raise?
GlutaRaise is a nutritional product that helps your body to manage stress and anxiety. It also makes it easier to lose fat.

This supplement contains two of most popular adaptogens in the world, turmeric and ashwagandha. Gluta Raise is a supplement that contains two capsules daily. It's claimed to boost energy, improve overall health, reduce stress, and support inflammation.

Nutraville is a California-based nutritional supplement company that makes Gluta Raise. The company teamed with Emma Green who claimed to have lost over 70 pounds by taking Gluta Raise. Emma was motivated by her success to team up with Nutraville and sell her formula on the internet, claiming that other women could target their stress stomach as Emma did.

Gluta Raise is only available on the official website for $49 per bottle.

How Does Gluta Raise Work?
Nutraville sells Gluta Raise as a product with multiple effects. The company primarily advertises Gluta Raise as an antioxidant formula and stress relief formula . It claims that the ingredients support inflammation and stress responses, helping to respond to the effects of stress.

According to the official site, Gluta Raise can help you lose weight. Gluta Raise is said to have helped one woman lose 47lbs. This woman claimed that her belly fat was caused by anxiety and depression. She felt her stress and anxiety diminish after taking GlutaRaise. This helped her to lose significant weight.

Gluta Raise targets two factors that are linked to stress, inflammation and cortisol.

Cortisol is produced by the body when it is under stress. Cortisol, the main stress hormone, is produced by your body. In ancient times, Cortisol was a survival hormone that told our bodies how to store fat in order to protect us from predators. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can cause us to gain weight and other symptoms.

Gluta Raise Ingredients
Gluta Raise is a combination of three active ingredients: ashwagandha (a herb), turmeric (a spice), and L-cysteine.

Ashwagandha (also known as turmeric) and Ayurvedic medicine have been used for centuries in India. They are adaptogens which help your body to respond to stress. GlutaRaise, like other adaptogens can help manage cortisol and stress response.

Nutraville explains how ashwagandha, turmeric and Gluta Raise can reduce stress.

Nutraville describes Ashwagandha, a traditional herb for stress relief, as a "cortisol moderator" that can help with anxiety, depression, and overall wellbeing. One study found that patients who took ashwagandha experienced a 77% decrease in depression and anxiety, as well as a 64.2% drop in stress. Cortisol levels were also significantly reduced. Nutraville uses a version of ashwagandha known as KSM-66. This is the most common type of patented ashwagandha extracted used today in the supplement industry.

Gluta Raise contains turmeric as well. The dose (100mg) may appear small, but it contains a form of high-concentration turmeric that is 95% curcuminoids. Turmeric contains curcuminoids, which are active ingredients that help to reduce inflammation. Some supplements have high concentrations of turmeric in lower doses. Gluta Raise provides a high dose of turmeric, in a highly-concentrated form. This turmeric may support immunity, inflammation and stress response by acting as adaptogen. According to Nutraville's research, turmeric in Gluta Raise may also be able to block cortisol increases caused by emotional stress.

L-Cysteine Hydrochloride
L-cysteine Hydrochloride is the main ingredient in GlutaRaise. L-cysteine (800mg), the main ingredient of Gluta Raise, is twice as potent as other ingredients. L-cysteine in Gluta Raise is said to replenish glutathione in the body, which is a natural antioxidant. Nutraville says it can help reduce cortisol. L-cysteine is found in many high-protein food items, such as cheese, chicken, egg, and beans. Nutraville claims that L-cysteine Hydrochloride helps to "reduce stress within the body" through glutathione. This is a powerful antioxidant. You can supposedly boost glutathione by taking L-cysteine in Gluta Raise every day. L-cysteine can help boost glutathione production, as it naturally decreases with age.

What is Gluta Raise?
Nutraville claims that Gluta raise can have a noticeable effect on your entire body. On the official website, Nutraville makes the following claims:

You can control your body's response to stress so that you are prepared for anything.
Stress belly? Deflate it!
Enjoy "breathtaking" weight loss
Enjoy twice the energy of before
Break the chains of stress to feel confident, strong and free.
Gluta Raise: The History
Gluta Raised was created by Emma Green in collaboration with John, the owner of a health care company. The formula was released online.

Emma is not a doctor or nutritionist. She's just a woman with a high level of stress.

Emma was inspired to create Gluta Raised after experiencing the most humiliating experience of her life. Her husband was returning from Afghanistan after a long deployment. Emma expected her husband to walk through the door and make her feel like a princess. Emma gained so much body weight that her husband was unable to lift her.

Emma gained 47 pounds during her husband's deployment. Emma says that after her husband's return from Afghanistan "we weren't intimate at all."

Emma tried everything to get in shape. She tried skipping breakfast, eating protein and salads, and working out regularly. She says that these strategies made her weight increase, not decrease. It made matters worse.

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Emma was then introduced to the concept of a stress stomach. Stress belly can be caused by high cortisol levels. Your body may stubbornly retain belly fat even if you are trying to lose some weight.

Emma began researching natural methods to reduce cortisol and fight stress. She discovered the three ingredients of Gluta Raise: turmeric, ashwagandha and L-cysteine.

Emma decided to be her own subject. Emma began taking Gluta Raise and "suddenly," lost "47 pounds of jiggly stomach fat". In the weeks to come, she would "drop 23 more lbs," becoming thinner than before her husband’s deployment.

Emma, motivated by her weight loss success, decided to partner with John and sell Gluta Raise on the internet.

Who Should take Gluta Raise?
Nutraville sells Gluta Raise to both men and women who are dealing with physical stress effects. According to the official site, if you suffer from anxiety and stress, you may benefit from Gluta Raaise.

Gluta Raise, according to the company, is perfect for those who answer 'yes" to these questions:

Feeling overwhelmed more than two times a week is normal.
Feeling anxious or depressed sometimes?
Are you a fan of sweet or salty snacks?
Sleeping problems are a common problem.
Exercise makes you want to eat a lot more food.
Do you ever experience digestive problems?
Feeling tired in the afternoon?
Nutraville recommends Gluta Raise if you answer 'yes' in any of the above questions.

How much weight can you lose?
Emma, creator of Gluta Raised, claims that you can lose 70+ pounds within a short time period by taking Gluta Raised.

Emma says that she "suddenly lost 47 lbs. of jiggly stomach fat" after she took Gluta Raise the first time. She had eliminated all the weight gained by her husband's deployment.

Emma then continued to lose weight and "lost another 23 lbs over the next few weeks."

Emma claims that she did not follow a strict exercise or diet program to lose this weight. She claims that she used to loseweight while dieting and working out. She began to lose weight significantly when she began taking Gluta Raise.

Gluta Raise Ingredients Label
Nutraville provides a full list of Gluta Raise ingredients and dosages upfront. This makes it easy to compare this supplement with other supplements sold online.

GlutaRaise contains three active ingredients in each serving of two capsules, including the following ingredients and dosages:

L-Cysteine Hydrochloride 800mg
KSM-66 contains 400mg of organic ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera) extract.
Curcuminoids in 100mg turmeric root extract (Curcumalonga root): 95%
Other ingredients include vegetable cellulose, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide

Nutraville recommends two capsules taken one to two times daily.

Gluta Raise: Scientific Evidence
Nutraville does not have any clinical trials or lab tests on Gluta Raise. The company does cite dozens of studies to support the claims made about Gluta Raised. Numerous studies have shown the Gluta Raise ingredients can be beneficial for stress, anxiety, inflammation and weight gain. Gluta Raise contains high doses of these ingredients and even the same dosages as those used in scientific research.

It's true, excess cortisol is a factor in weight gain. Researchers at Yale University found in a 2000 study that women who are not overweight but are susceptible to stress have more abdominal fat. Researchers found these women to have higher levels of cortisol stress hormone, suggesting that cortisol is linked with weight gain.

This 1994 study also tested the saliva of 42 overweight women prior to, during and after stressful tasks. Researchers found that women who had a higher waist-to hip ratio responded less well to stressful tasks. Researchers concluded from these findings that women with a high waist-to-hip ratio "are more likely than others to exhibit a helpless response to uncontrollable stresses," suggesting there is a link between the adrenal cortex, stress response and fat distribution.

Gluta Raise contains ingredients that could be helpful. Nutraville mentions a study in which researchers administered ashwagandha over a period of 60 days to 64 subjects. The subjects were given either a full spectrum, high concentration form of Ashwagandha, or a placebo. Researchers found that after 60 days the ashwagandha-treated subjects had reduced depression by 77%, stress by 64.2%, and anxiety by 75.6%. Researchers found that cortisol levels were significantly lower in the ashwagandha-treated group.

Researchers found in the 2017 study that ashwagandha is specifically associated with weight loss. Researchers administered 300mg of either ashwagandha, or a placebo, to 52 people who were under chronic stress. Researchers found that after 8 weeks, the ashwagandha-taking group experienced significant drops in body weight and BMI compared to the control group. This suggests that ashwagandha is helpful for weight loss.

L-cysteine's effects on anxiety, stress, and weight loss are not well studied. It has been used for centuries in alternative medicine to treat cardiovascular problems, diabetes, inflammation and digestive issues. Researchers found in a 2007 study that L-cysteine helps with exercise-induced swelling, which aids the body's recovery after exercise. L-cysteine seemed to help reduce oxidative stress.

Turmeric is one the most well-known and popular adaptogens on the market today. This review study was published in Foodsin 2017. found that turmeric is much more than a spice. It's a substance with benefits for the entire body. Researchers discovered that the majority of benefits related to turmeric are linked to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Nutraville claims that by taking turmeric every day, you can support inflammation and stress response.

Gluta Raise is a combination of three active ingredients that are able to reduce inflammation and stress. Gluta Raise's ingredients could reduce inflammation and stress by acting as antioxidants.

Gluta Raise Pricing
Gluta Raise costs $49 per bottle. However, the price can be as low as $30 per bottle if you order multiple bottles.

The official website offers Gluta Raise at the following prices:

One Bottle: $49.95 + $9.95 shipping
Buy 3 bottles for $117 plus free shipping
6 Bottles for $186 plus Free Shipping
Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30 servings). Nutraville recommends two capsules per day taken once or twice a day. Each bottle should last between 15 and 60 days.

Gluta Raise Policy for Refund
Gluta Raise comes with a 365 day refund policy. You can ask for a full refund within 365 calendar days from the original purchase date.

This policy goes above and beyond what Clickbank normally offers in terms of refunds. Nutraville has a 365-day guarantee on all products.

You can get a full refund if, for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with GlutaRaise.

About Nutraville
Nutraville, a supplement company based in Valencia, California. The company produces three main supplements: Gluta Raise Amyl Guard and cAMP Boost.

Gluta Raise's makers can be contacted via:

Email: [email protected]
Gluta Raise Final Word
Nutraville’s GlutaRaise is a nutritional product that contains ashwagandha (Indian ginseng), turmeric and L-cysteine. These three ingredients could support your body’s response to stress and anxiety as well as inflammation.

Gluta Raise is a powerful blend of all three active ingredients. The company also offers a generous refund policy for 365 days.

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