Does creating a brochure to promote brands interest you? Brochures usually have more pictures than text. For new firms or companies, brochures make excellent marketing tools. Prospective customers' attention can be piqued with the use of brochures.

Here is a brochure template designed for a skincare company. This is a modern brochure design with the use of images and words. In this brochure design, images of skincare products are designed on the background of the brochure. This template is designed with Visual Paradigm Online. In Visual Paradigm Online, you can create your graphic design with the customization of texts, images, colors, shapes, forms, etc. You can allow selecting a template from dozen design examples prepared for you.

For some brochures, are you looking for any visual templates? Visit Visual Paradigm Online right away to look through various templates.

Folletos Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de folleto puede ser totalmente personalizada a su gusto en todos los sentidos, contenido, colores, fondos, bloques de diseño, etc.
Dominant Color
1100 x 850 px

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