Ocean Pollution Illustration Campaign Poster

Ocean Pollution Illustration Campaign Poster

Today, ocean pollution is a serious problem. Garbage, factory wastewater and other pollutants are increasingly appearing in the sea. While some organizations and individuals are doing their best to remove these pollutants, the most useful way is to reduce their occurrence. Let's spread the word about the importance of ocean conservation and take action now!

Here is a poster created to promote ocean pollution. The design uses illustrations of beaches, with clear text messages displayed in different font sizes and font colors. People can easily understand the message in the design. By the poster maker of Visual Paradigm Online, all elements on the design are customizable, including text, graphic, color and photo. Composition of the design is also editable to fit your needs. Try it now! You can finish a professional poster design in several minutes.

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Esta plantilla de póster se puede personalizar para crear un diseño que se adapte a sus necesidades. Puede editar el contenido, reemplazar imágenes, cambiar colores, añadir o eliminar bloques de diseño y mucho más.
Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px

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