What is creative writing? Any writing that differs significantly from the values of professional, journalistic, academic, or technical types of literature is considered creative writing. It is often characterized by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, the use of literary tropes, or other poetic traditions.

Here is a postcard template designed for creative writing. This is a modern and dynamic YouTube thumbnail design with the use of images and graphic shapes. In this template, an image of a tutor of creative writing is designed as the background of this thumbnail. Those images suit the theme of sports. This template is designed with Visual Paradigm Online. With this online design tool, you can freely customize graphics with the selection of various templates. You can easily edit the images, colors, shapes, etc. with this tool. You can also edit the images with the adjustment of brightness, contrast, and exposure too on the tool palette. 

Searching for some graphics templates? Check out Visual Paradigm Online and browse some templates for it now!

Miniaturas de YouTube Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de miniaturas de YouTube se puede personalizar según sus necesidades cambiando el contenido, sustituyendo imágenes y componentes de diseño, etc.
Dominant Color
1280 x 720 px

Inspiration: 10 Skills Every Creative Writer Needs

Crea bonitos diseños sobre la marcha

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