Red And Blue Soldier Photo Memorial Day Instagram Story Red And Blue Soldier Photo Memorial Day Instagram Story

Red And Blue Soldier Photo Memorial Day Instagram Story

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. This is a soldier photo memorial day Instagram story template, you can try to use this template to help you create some Instagram stories about memorial day. This template has a red and blue color tone, a USA flag and soldier photo, and some textbox to give you enter your information. This Instagram story is designed on an online design tool. With this online design tool, you can create designs with photo collages easily. There are hundreds of photo grids with different combinations that you can select. You can simply drag the images and create photo collage easily.

Searching for some templates for Instagram story? Try out Visual Paradigm and select Instagram story designs there!

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Cerita Instagram Template Specifications:
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Templat cerita Instagram ini dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda dengan mengubah konten, mengganti gambar dan komponen desain, dll.
Dominant Color
1080 x 1920 px

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