Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote

Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson

(May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882)

American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist and poet who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19thcentury. He was seen as an advocate of individualism and a prescient critic of social countervailing forces. He published dozens of essays and more than 1,500 public lectures to express his ideology.

Emerson is an iconic figure in American culture, and President Abraham Lincoln called him "America's Confucius" and "the father of American civilization. Transcendentalism, represented by Emerson's ideas, was an important intellectual liberation movement in the history of American thought and has been called the "American Renaissance.

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Walk on existing paths

There are already many paths in front of you. Most of us choose the vows that are right for us and head toward our goals. They are built from the former, telling us the problems we may face, how to solve the challenges we encounter, and also the possible goals at the end of the road. This is why we may not have any idea or desire to follow a new path at the time.

Is it a wrong thing to do if we choose to walk over the existing path to get to where we expect to be? There is nothing wrong with us following the existing path. It can help us reduce a lot of preparation time. However, we can still choose to make some changes because everyone should have some differences, so the path that works best for them should be different as well.

From the existing path to no path

Why do we take the road to nowhere? As mentioned above, each of us must have some differences and we must fine-tune the path in front of us to make it work best for you. If we want to invent something new, or have improvements, we must walk on a new route. If we choose to walk on the existing path, we can only get results based on the work of others. Even if we can make some changes, they will all be limited by our old ways.

Each new step we take will have a new impact, and we can only invent something new if the new ideas we come up with than are creative.

Challenge we may meet

When we are on a new path, it means that everything we face is unknown and we may encounter unexpected challenges and difficulties. Fear of failure and stress may make us feel nervous at every step forward. In this case, we need to adjust our emotions and plan well. Here are some tips for you.

Plan for failure

Since no one has ever walked the path you are on, you must imagine and anticipate the challenges that you may encounter, then make plans for them and address them as soon as you encounter them.

Learning for a goal

We need different kinds of knowledge or skills to face any challenges on our new path, try to list everything we need for our goals and start enriching ourselves. With more skills, we can improve our self-confidence and reduce stress when facing an unknown future.

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