Skill willingness matrix (also known as skill / will matrix) can be used to evaluate employees' skills and willingness to complete specific tasks. Based on this assessment, you can choose how to best manage your employees and achieve success.

  • Skill is the ability of a person to accomplish a certain task. There are different degrees of ability in the skills required to accomplish a particular task.

  • Will is an individual's willingness to accomplish a specific task based on preferences, rewards, loyalty, and inner preferences about achieving the task. Willingness has something to do with motivation.

The Skill / Will Matrix

The Skilled/Competency Matrix is a 2 x 2 matrix in 4 quadrants that is often used by managers to evaluate individual performance. The matrix places "will" (will, passion, and self-drive) on the vertical axis and "skills" (core competencies) on the horizontal axis.

Image result for skill will matrix

  • A high degree of skill and a high level of will People - they should be able to inspire and motivate themselves and to deliver successfully without management interference.

  • High-skilled but low-skilled people - they should be encouraged and find ways to increase their affiliation and get them excited about the task at hand.

  • High will but low skill people - Such support and guidance should be given to improve their skills. If they want to learn and develop, they should receive appropriate help and support.

  • Low will and low skill people - The manager or leader needs to pay close attention, clear instructions, and a small task scope as a trial basis for this type of member of the team.

Modelo dos Quatro Quadrantes Template Specifications:
Este gráfico de quatro quadrantes pode ser totalmente personalizado. Pode editar o conteúdo, substituir imagem(ns), alterar cores, adicionar ou remover blocos de desenho e muito mais.
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1600 x 900 px

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