Design online Ebook and slideshow with Fliplify
Create 2D and 3D animations with AniFuzion.
Convert PowerPoint to online slideshow viewer
Lightweight PDF editor, tools and converters
Professional visual creations
Make flowchart, software, business diagrams
Create / edit Word, Spreadsheet & PPT
Visualize data effortlessly
Convert files with ease
Enhance images creatively
Simplify form creation
IT project and transformation tools
Ideation and brainstorm with mind maps
Smart Board
快閃零售(在英國也稱為快閃店)是一種開設短期銷售空間的趨勢,在關閉之前持續數天至數週,通常是為了趕上時尚或特定的事件而舉辦。 假日市場和萬聖節商店是快閃店的常見例子。