Percentage Calculator
Our online percentage calculator is a handy tool that helps you answer the questions of what is p% of x? x is what percent of y? x is p% of what?
What is ‘Percentage’?
A percentage (symbol: %) is a number or ratio that represents a fraction of 100. So if we say 27%, we mean 27/100, or 0.27.
Percentage formula
The percentage formula can be written as below.
P × V1 = V2
where P is the percentage in %, V1 is the input value that the percentage will modify, and V2 is the result of the percentage operating on V1. The percentage calculator converts the input percentage into a decimal to compute the solution.
Examples of percentage calculation
What is 26% of 1068?
P × V1 = V2
V2 = 1068 * 26%
V2 = 1068 * 26 / 100
V2 = 277.68
The answer is 277.68