5 Popular Snacks For Halloween

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5 Popular Snacks For Halloween
5 Popular Snacks For Halloween
5 Popular Snacks For Halloween
5 Popular Snacks For Halloween
5 Popular Snacks For Halloween
5 Popular Snacks For Halloween
5 Popular Snacks For Halloween
5 Popular Snacks For Halloween

The Traditional Custom

5 Popular Snacks For Halloween

Halloween On All Hallows' Eve, many Western Christian denominations encourage abstinence from meat, giving rise to a variety of vegetarian foods associated with this day. Because in the Northern Hemisphere Halloween comes in the wake of the yearly apple harvest, candy apples (known as toffee apples outside North America), caramel apples or taffy apples are common Halloween treats made by rolling whole apples in a sticky sugar syrup, sometimes followed by rolling them in nuts.

One custom that persists in modern-day Ireland is the baking (or more often nowadays, the purchase) of a barmbrack (Irish: báirín breac), which is a light fruitcake, into which a plain ring, a coin, and other charms are placed before baking. It is considered fortunate to be the lucky one who finds it. It has also been said that those who get a ring will find their true love in the ensuing year. This is similar to the tradition of king cake at the festival of Epiphany.

The Barmbrack

Barmbrack, also often shortened to brack, is a yeast bread with added sultanas and raisins. The bread is associated with Halloween in Ireland, where an item (often a ring) is placed inside the bread, with the person who receives it considered to be fortunate.

Bonfire Toffee

Bonfire toffee tastes very strongly of black treacle (molasses), and cheap versions can be quite bitter. In Scotland, the treat is known as claggum, with less sweet versions known as clack. In Wales, it is known as loshin du (losin du or taffi triog). The flavour is similar to that of butterscotch, although it is a toffee and never a viscous liquid.

Candy Apple

Candy apples are made by coating an apple with a layer of sugar that has been heated to hard crack stage. The most common sugar coating is made from sugar, corn syrup, water, cinnamon and red food coloring. Humid weather can prevent the sugar from hardening.

Halloween cake

A Halloween cake is a cake prepared with Halloween-themed decorations and symbols. It may be prepared using traditional Halloween colors such as black and orange, and may be decorated in many diverse manners with various themes. It may be a part of the Halloween decorations in households that celebrate the holiday.

Soul Cake

"Soal Cakes" are usually filled with allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger or other sweet spices, raisins or currants, and before baking are topped with the mark of a cross to signify that these were alms.

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