International Fruit Day Banner Ad (With Slogan)

International Fruit Day Banner Ad (With Slogan) Graphic Watermelon International Fruit Day Leaderboard Editar esta plantilla
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International Fruit Day is coming! The aim of the day is to share fruit and joy with our family, friends and needy people " Create change together" is the slogan of the day in 2021. Have you prepare anything for celebrating this special day? Let's create some design for promotion!

By this leaderboard created by the leaderboard maker of Visual Paradigm Online, we can see a piece of watermelon, which is the international fruit of 2021. The leaderboard is created with green and yellow, which are bright and fresh. As the aim of creating this leaderboard is just for promoting this meaningful day, the design of the leaderboard is simple but clear. Audience can catch the message easily so that more and more people can know that we have such an interesting day. By the leaderboard maker, you can change the elements o the templates as you like. We have numbers of elements about fruit in our library. Picks the elements you need and then create a leaderboard for International Fruit Day together!

Want more templates created for International Fruit Day? Visit VP Online! You can find plenty of templates there. Pin the ones you like and start your creation!

Anuncios de banner Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de banner puede ser totalmente personalizada de acuerdo a sus necesidades, ya sea sobre el contenido, colores, diseños, bloques de diseño, o cualquier otro elemento de diseño.
Dominant Color
728 x 90 px

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