Every business need a professional email header!!! Here is a dark theme professional email header, with four image collages. For most business related email header, people tend to leave a better impression when you have a simple outline and usually in blue and dark tone. As blue and dark tone are often related to technology components, which creates a smart ambience.

By the email header maker of Visual Paradigm Online, you can customize the design, and then change elements on it conveniently. Replace the text content, images, colour and even the composition in order to fit your wants. You can then create an interesting email header in just several minutes. Let' s start your creation now! Searching for other email headers? Browse the InfoART library for more modern email header templates!

Encabezados de correo electrónico Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de encabezado de correo electrónico se puede personalizar según sus necesidades cambiando el contenido, sustituyendo imágenes y componentes de diseño, etc.
Dominant Color
600 x 200 px

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