100% natural skin care Label

100% natural skin care Label Editar esta plantilla
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Lotion is a topical medication with low viscosity that is administered to the skin. The viscosity of creams and gels is higher because they frequently contain less water. The only tools needed to apply lotions to the skin's surface are your hands, a brush, a clean cloth, or cotton wool. What do most people look for these days in a lotion package? The most widely used terms are "natural" and "organic" You can easily adapt this design to any other natural product by including those aspects in it. This label design is providing plenty of space to state your product ingredients and description that allow your consumer to have a transparent view on your product's authenticity.

This label template is fully customizable and waiting for you to modify it. Click on the label maker of Visual Paradigm Online and modify it as you wish, download it to your computer and you will have your label ready in a few minutes!!! Start editing your label now! Searching for other labels? Browse the InfoART library for more modern labels templates!

Etiquetas Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de etiqueta puede personalizarse para crear un diseño que se ajuste a sus necesidades. Puede editar el contenido, sustituir imágenes, cambiar colores, añadir o eliminar bloques de diseño, etc.
Dominant Color
576 x 384 px

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