Rock Band Showdown Ticket

Rock Band Showdown Ticket Rock Band Showdown Ticket Editar esta plantilla
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Rock Band Showdown Ticket
Rock Band Showdown Ticket

Are you a fan of rock concerts? A rock performance is referred to as a rock concert. The earliest versions of "rock and roll" were created during the 1950s by several American musical groups experimenting with new musical forms that combined swing, country, and blues music.

This is a ticket template designed for rock concerts. This is a cute and fun ticket design for promoting an event for rock music. In this ticket design, a cute graphic of a DJ instrument is designed on one side of the template. It matches the theme of the music show. The event title "Rock Band Showdown" is also designed to bring people's attention to the music shows. This design was created through Visual Paradigm Online. In VP Online, you can freely use images as a design background. Thousand of images from the photo library are provided for you to design. You can use your images from the device too.

Do you want to prepare a ticket for the rock concert? Create your design with dozen of ticket templates on Visual Paradigm Online!

Entradas Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de ticket puede ser personalizada y estilizada de acuerdo a sus necesidades. Puede cambiar los bloques de diseño, colores, imágenes, editar el contenido y mucho más.
Dominant Color
850 x 280 px

Rock Band Show

Presented By: National Cultural Music Association

Date & Time: 11 December 2021 | 6PM - 10PM

Location: National Music Hall, 2/F

Terms & Conditions

  1. This ticket is valid for one person only.

  2. This ticket cannot be transferred as cash.

  3. For more information please contact 123 456 789.

Sin necesidad de tarjeta de crédito. Sin contratos que cancelar. Sin descargas. Sin costes ocultos.