World-Class Cuisine Fair Poster Classic Cuisine Event Poster With Details

World-Class Cuisine Fair Poster

Cuisine fair is a kind of food festival, that including different kind of dishes. The dishes are provided according to region and the theme of the cuisine fair. All people are looking forward for cuisine fair, not only for the delicious meal, but also for the culture and cooking skills behind each of the dishes.

It is a poster designed for a world-class cuisine fair. Shapes are one of the main part of the design, providing the space to show the details, and also make the poster looks modern and artistic. Photo of dishes is also included in the poster to point out the theme of the design. By the poster maker of Visual Paradigm Online, you are allowed to edit the text, change the photo and also other elements as they are all customizable. Start your creation now and create a great poster for your event!

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Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px

World Class Cuisine


Sept 1 2020 | 1pm-3pm

with Special Guest Chef Johnson

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