Makeup YouTube Channel Art

Makeup YouTube Channel Art Testing New Makeup YouTube Channel Art 이 템플릿 편집
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Makeup is a complex matter, from the smallest of dressing up for a night out to the largest of makeup required for various occasions, each has its own learning curve. When you first encounter cosmetics, you will be more or less confused. What kind of cosmetics and makeup is suitable for me? What do I need to pay attention to when dressing up for this occasion? When we feel overwhelmed, refering to different instructional videos to learn more about makeup is one of the method for us to have improvement.

Here is a YouTube channel art designed for makeup testing. Number of cosmetics are placed as the background of the design, which matches the theme of the channel. As it is talking about makeup, the background of the words is also in shapes of brushstroke. There are just several kinds of elements in the design, but it looks clear and professional. By the channel art maker of Visual Paradigm Online, we can change the photo, text, colour and also the graphics on it as all the elements on the design are all customizable. Start you creation and try to design your own channel art now!

If the style of channel art is not exactly the one you want, visit Visual Paradigm Online's library for more channel art templates in different style!

유튜브 채널 아트 Template Specifications:
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이 YouTube 채널 아트 템플릿은 필요에 맞게 완전히 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 콘텐츠 편집, 이미지 교체, 색상 변경, 디자인 블록 추가 또는 제거 등을 자유롭게 할 수 있습니다.
Dominant Color
2560 x 1440 px

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