Helen Keller Quote

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Helen Keller Quote
Helen Keller Quote
Helen Keller Quote
Helen Keller Quote
Helen Keller Quote
Helen Keller Quote

Helen Keller is an American author, disability rights advocate, political activist, and lecturer. She lost her sight and her hearing after a bout of illness at the age of 19 months. Anne Sullivan taught Keller language, including reading and writing. After an education at both specialist and mainstream schools, Keller attended Radcliffe College of Harvard University and became the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the HEART." -Helen Keller

The phrase begins with “the best and most beautiful things…” But what is the most beautiful thing? This is different for everyone. Many people would put objects on their "most beautiful list."

However, the next part of the introduction implies that the best things are not actually things. They are invisible and untouchable. Eliminate objects and we are left with ideals and emotions.

I guess those who refer to objects are actually describing things that represent ideals or imbuing them with some kind of emotion.

This sentence finally reminds us that these best things come from the heart, or are felt with the heart. Once again, this takes us away from the substantive and exposes us to things that bring out a sense of beauty and awe from within us.

Why is it important to feel beautiful?

The point of the quote is to actually feel the beauty. Let beauty be one with you. Let beauty penetrate deep into you and truly change the way you see or hear things.

It's emotion, it's an inner feeling. What is beautiful is not the painting, but the emotions and feelings inside you.

Where can I apply it in my life?

Since this is a quote about observation, we have to first really notice what's going on and then really feel it deep inside us. Then beauty really becomes apparent to us. It starts with really noticing what's going on around us.

Next time, before you say something is the best or most beautiful, take a moment to feel great or beautiful. Let it sink into the water and move you. Feel it with your heart.

Are you smiling and thinking about the times when you are truly immersed in that feeling? I'm. I hope you do too because I believe that feeling is the point of this sentence.

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