Bouquet Store Rack Card
Bouquet Store Rack Card
Bouquet Store Rack Card

Bouquet Store Rack Card

Bouquet is something that appears in our time from time to time by different reasons and conditions, including graduating ceremony, birthday party, or even a gift between friends, or a little present our ourselves. Different flowers have their own meaning. What is your favorite bouquet?

Here is a rack card created for a bouquet store. With purple as the main color and complicated floral illustrations as decorations, this rack card looks elegant and comfortable. Brief introduction about how to order are provided on the back page with the contact, people can know where they but bouquet through this rack card. By the rack card maker of Visual Paradigm Online, all elements of the design are customizable, including the text, image, color and graphic. You can also change the composition of the design to fit the content and the topic you want. Start your creation now and complete an awesome rack card in minutes!

If this rack card design is not exactly the one you want, visit Visual Paradigm Online's library for more templates about bouquet store!

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Cartões de prateleira Template Specifications:
Este modelo de cartão de prateleira pode ser totalmente personalizado para incluir a marca da empresa, imagens, conteúdo e elementos de design.
Dominant Color
400 x 900 px

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