Charity Run Poster Formal Informative Poster Of Charity Run 2020

Charity Run Poster

Every time when there is charity run, many people are willing to join but they do not know how to apply the event. In this case, clear information is needed when designing the poster. Just like this poster created by Visual Paradigm Online's poster maker, the poster is divided into two parts, the upper part is photo of previous event while the information is put in the lower part. Without long introduction, only the information of the run and the contact is kept so that audience can easily find the details they wants. By the poster maker, the text content, colour and composition can be customized. Get start now and create you own poster!

If this poster is not exactly the one you want, visit Visual Paradigm Online's library for more charity run poster templates!

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Плакаты Template Specifications:
Этот шаблон плаката может быть настроен для создания дизайна, соответствующего вашим требованиям. Вы можете редактировать содержание, заменять изображения, менять цвета, добавлять или удалять блоки оформления и т.д.
Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px

Charity Run 2020

(909) 123-456-7890


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Free cookies for everyone

Central Park

9am - 3pm

August 16th 2020

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