使用我们易于使用的 Word 模板启动您的工作
Acknowledge the receipt of a report, letter or other
Edit This TemplateConfirm a Directive or Decision 2
Edit This TemplateConfirm a Transfer, Promotion, or Relocation Assignment
Edit This TemplateConfirm an Appointment, Meeting, or Interview 2
Edit This TemplateConfirm an Oral Agreement
Edit This TemplateConfirm an Order You Have Made
Edit This TemplateConfirm Miscellaneous Business Agreements 2
Edit This TemplateConfirm Receipt of an Order from a Customer
Edit This TemplateConfirm That You Have Given Authorization to Someone 2
Edit This TemplateConfirm the Receipt of a Resume, Contract Bid, or Application (Receiver's Letter)
Edit This TemplateFollow Up After a Meeting to Review Decisions and Assignments 2
Edit This TemplateRequest Confirmation of an Authorization to Take Action2
Edit This TemplateSchedule an Appointment to Interview a Potential Employee 2
Edit This Template