Four Fan Shape Quadrant Model

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A simple way to understand the concepts of value and workload is to visualize them on a 2x2 matrix. The 2x2 lean priority matrix helps to make decisions and determine what is important or risky, as well as where to direct the work. This matrix is usually associated with the classical Eisenhower matrix.

Value / Cost Matrix

As the name implies, a value / cost matrix combines the potential value of a product's features with the effort to realize those features. In other words, this matrix classifies product features according to their expected business value and implementation cost.

The matrix can be used as the basement for the other popular prioritization approaches, such as Value vs Risk, Value vs Effort, Value vs Complexity.

Image result for value and effort matrix

Comparing value and value / cost combinations helps better prioritize tasks/projects and select the most important development task. Value is a function (such as a new feature) that brings business value to your product; Try to measure the cost / resources required to accomplish a task with this analysis help you prioritize what you should do next.

Vier-Quadranten-Modell Template Specifications:
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