Stakeholder Matrix, also known as stakeholder map, is a matrix that arranges the important stakeholders of a project into four quadrants, based on their level of influence and interest. It compares stakeholders' ability to influence the project (from low to high) with their perception of the project (from negative to positive). Stakeholders have a great influence on the project, but stakeholders with negative views will be the priority of stakeholder participation strategy.

Here are some templates for performing stakeholder analysis:

Stakeholder Analysis Template (Stakeholder Matrix Example)

Here is another pattern for representing Stakeholder matrix:

Stakeholder Mapping Template

Vier-Quadranten-Modell Template Specifications:
Diese Vier-Quadranten-Modellvorlage kann vollständig an Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst werden, egal ob es sich um Inhalte, Farben, Layouts, Designblöcke oder andere Designelemente handelt.
Dominant Color
1600 x 900 px

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