Blue Graduation Ceremony Invitation Cute And Clean Graduation Ceremony Invitation Design Ideas

Blue Graduation Ceremony Invitation

If you are graduating and need to invite people to join your celebration of graduation, you can try to create a beautiful invitation to help you invite people to come. Try to use this beautiful golden graduation invitation template to help you create your own design, and use it to send to others. This template has a blue color tone, a graduation hat illustration, and some text boxes to give you input your information. This invitation is created by an online invitation creative maker tool InfoART, just replace the default text with your party details, add and replace the photos, icons, and shapes, and then you can get a delicate invitation that is perfect for any holiday party. Start personalizing the invitation today!

Are you looking for other invitation designs? Check out the VP Online library for more invitation templates!

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Einladungen Template Specifications:
Diese Einladungsvorlage kann vollständig an Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst werden, egal ob es sich um Inhalte, Farben, Layouts, Designblöcke oder andere Designelemente handelt.
Dominant Color
551 x 551 px

You are invited to join us as we celebrate the graduation of Sarah Smith!!

Date & Time: 10 July, 2020 (Saturday) | 13:00 - 18:00

Location: Avangard University

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