PDCA Chart

PDCA Chart Pizza-Style PDCA Template Diese Vorlage bearbeiten
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PDCA is considered one of the most popular frameworks for continuous business process improvement. The PDCA cycle is best known as a business improvement model for organizing business processes and manufacturing. It was invented in the 1950s by Edward Deming, a statistician working in Japan. His PDCA cycle has become one of the pillars of Toyota's just-in-time production system. Over the past two decades, Toyota's systems have become one of the most successful demonstrations of lean manufacturing using PDCA; Details about Toyota's use of PDCA in Lean Methods can be found in Jeffrey Lake's book Toyota Way (2003).

According to Deming, you can apply PDCA for the following purposes:

  • Having a system in place for continuous quality improvement

  • Reducing defects through higher levels of quality uniformity

  • Understanding what quality should mean within context

What Does the Deming Cycle Mean?

The Deming Cycle is a four-part management approach that advocates continuous improvement. This and other similar continuous improvement models have been integrated into business and enterprise software. The defogging cycle includes:

  1. Plan: Choose a process and set goals

  2. Do: Execute the plan and start collecting the resulting data

  3. Check: Analyze the results statistically

  4. Act: Decide what changes you want to make to improve the process for the next cycle

PDCA-Modell Template Specifications:
Diese PDCA-Vorlage kann vollständig angepasst werden, um das Branding des Unternehmens, Bilder, Inhalte und Designelemente aufzunehmen.
Dominant Color
1600 x 900 px

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