World Press Freedom Day is a day to support media whose press freedom has been curtailed or abolished. It is also a day to remember journalists who have perish due to the pursuit of information.

Use this email header maker of Visual Paradigm Online to spread the word about the special day. An enticing image with a cute graphic are just what you need to get people to stop by your email. Customize it by adding the event information, fonts, colors and other details about your business. Your design will be ready to share in minutes. Searching for other email headers? Browse the InfoART library for more modern email header templates!

Encabezados de correo electrónico Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de encabezado de correo electrónico se puede personalizar completamente según sus necesidades. Siéntase libre de editar el contenido, reemplazar imágenes, cambiar colores, añadir o eliminar bloques de diseño y mucho más.
Dominant Color
600 x 200 px

Crea bonitos diseños sobre la marcha

Sin necesidad de tarjeta de crédito. Sin contratos que cancelar. Sin descargas. Sin costes ocultos.