Business Startup Checklist Infographic Infographic for Startup Business

Business Startup Checklist Infographic

Working hard every day to help the company generate revenue in exchange for a steady salary is a picture of many employees. But a new generation that wants to be free and doesn't like being controlled often turns to entrepreneurship and becomes its own boss. In fact, in addition to having enough money, hard work and innovative ideas, the most important thing to start a business is to be ready. Entrepreneurs will share five things they must do before starting a business.

Everywhere in life is full of business opportunities. If you do not find it, it is because you lack a pair of eyes to find business opportunities.

How to Start a Business?

  1. Create an idea

  2. Find your product and evaluate business potentials

  3. Write a business and marketing plan

  4. Form your Team

  5. Develop marketing and sales strategies

  6. Register your business name and get business certificate

  7. Check legal and law issues

  8. Open the company bank account

  9. Lease office or home office?

  10. Buy equipment's and setup workspace

  11. Obtain employee and business insurance

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