Autumn New Arrivals Rack Card
Autumn New Arrivals Rack Card
Autumn New Arrivals Rack Card

Autumn New Arrivals Rack Card

When promoting new arrivals of clothing, instead of poster brochure, we can try to design a rack card to do so. We can also include a coupon on the rack so that customer will keep this card with them. Let's take a look with the following example.

It is a rack card designed with the design tool of Visual Paradigm Online. As it is about new series of clothing, photos of new cloths are included in the design. At the back page, we can see that there is a message of discount on the top of the page. Short introduction and the link of the official website is placed at the bottom part. By the rack card maker, all elements on the design are customizable, including the text, image, graphic and color. Composition of the design is also editable. Start your creation now to design an awesome rack card design for your store.

Want to find rack card design about clothing? Come and visit Visual Paradigm Online, pin the templates you like and start your creation!

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Tarjetas rack Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de tarjeta rack se puede personalizar según sus necesidades cambiando el contenido, sustituyendo imágenes y componentes de diseño, etc.
Dominant Color
400 x 900 px

New Arrivals - For The Coming autumn

Male | Female | Child | Elderly

Amazing Clothes

Special Discount - 20% Off

(1st Week of September only!!)

You can also check the new arrivals in our online store through our official website.

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Sin necesidad de tarjeta de crédito. Sin contratos que cancelar. Sin descargas. Sin costes ocultos.