Wedding Photography Rack Card
Wedding Photography Rack Card
Wedding Photography Rack Card

Wedding Photography Rack Card

When we get marriage, we usually will take a series of photo as memories. Because of its importance, we have to be careful when choosing the wedding photography services, while rack card is one of the common advertising materials we can find when searching.

Here is one of the rack cards created for wedding photography team. Photo of a couple is used in as the cover, showing their quality of work directly to the customers. Another photo is also used as background of the back page. However, as we need to add content on this page, a bark layer is placed on the photo so that the words are shown clearly. You can replace the photo and text as you like by the rack card maker of Visual Paradigm Online. All elements on the design are customizable, including the text, image, color and graphic. You can also change the composition of the design to fit your needs. Try it now!

If this rack card design is not exactly the one you want, visit Visual Paradigm Online's library for more templates about wedding photography. Choose the one you like and start your creation!

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Tarjetas rack Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de tarjeta rack puede ser totalmente personalizada. Puede editar el contenido, reemplazar imágenes, cambiar colores, añadir o eliminar bloques de diseño y mucho más.
Dominant Color
400 x 900 px

Wedding Photography

Catch the unforgettable moments.

Crea bonitos diseños sobre la marcha

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