In order to deliver nutrients to the skin, moisturizers act as transporters. Additionally, they provide useful skin benefits like smoother, softer skin, increased skin hydration, and better skin optical properties. Such packaging will provide your consumer a peaceful sense, making it ideal for people who are aiming for such features. The elegant label design is produced with a dark royal green tone and a leaf silhouette. This label's design is flexible and can be used for any organic product.

A special label design must notify the potential customer about their product. They achieve this inadvertently by utilizing color and artwork to represent the whole experience as well as directly by using content to identify and characterize the products. Overall, creating a label involves establishing expectations, thus it is critical to deliver the right message. Searching for another label? Browse the InfoART library for more modern label templates!

ラベル Template Specifications:
Dominant Color
576 x 384 px

