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시각적 패러다임 별 마케팅 퍼널 템플릿

A marketing funnel is a sales funnel. It shows a visual clustering of buying processes that companies lead customers through as they are purchasing services or products. The model uses a funnel as an analogy because a large number of potential customers may begin at the top-end of the sales process, but only a fraction of these people end up making a purchase.

A sales funnel is divided into several steps, which differ depending on the particular model. As a prospect passes through each stage of the funnel, it signifies a deeper commitment to the purchase goal. Most businesses, whether online or conventional, use this model to guide their marketing efforts in each stage of the marketing funnel.

Create marketing funnels online. Visual Paradigm Online features an online marketing funnel maker and a large variety of technical and business diagram templates. It also supports remote working, online meeting and online workshop with a rich collection of real-time collaboration facilities.

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