Circles Four Quadrant Model

Circles Four Quadrant Model 이 템플릿 편집
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U. U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower used the Eisenhower Matrix (also know as Stephen Covey's 4 Quadrants) to evaluate tasks according to the criteria of importance and urgency. The method visualizes tasks in the Eisenhower matrix: the horizontal axis represents urgency, decreasing from left to right; The Y-axis indicates importance, decreasing from top to bottom.

The results were divided into four sections: urgent and important, urgent but not important, important but urgent, and not important and not urgent. You can break all the tasks down into four sections so that you have a clear idea of what you really need to do and what you should be doing right now.

Here's a Eisenhower matrix template that not only provides a standard combination of four parts, but also provides a list of actions to address these tasks.

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1600 x 900 px

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