It's time to start your bicycle trip!! Discover interesting route and share with your friends!!

Here is a channel art example of a bicycle trip sharing channel created by Visual Paradigm Online. There is a photo of bicycle as the background, which represent the theme of the channel. A black layer is added on it so that the title looks very clear. At the bottom part, there is a slogan encouraging people to take action. By the channel art maker, you are able to edit all elements of the design, including the text, colours, images and also the composition. Let's start your creation and design a great artwork for your channel now!

Are you still looking for more channel art template design? Visit Visual Paradigm Online, find the templates you want and start your creation!

유튜브 채널 아트 Template Specifications:
사용자 정의 가능:
이 YouTube 채널 아트 템플릿은 완전히 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 콘텐츠를 편집하고, 이미지를 바꾸고, 색상을 변경하고, 디자인 블록을 추가하거나 제거하는 등의 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
Dominant Color
2560 x 1440 px

즉석에서 멋진 디자인 만들기

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