Easy Vegan Food Recipes YouTube Thumbnail

Easy Vegan Food Recipes YouTube Thumbnail Easy Vegan Food Recipes YouTube Thumbnail 이 템플릿 편집
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Can you lose weight as a vegan? You can lose weight quickly if you continue eating vegan food. Vegan food contains high nutrients but low calories. You can try to eat fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, or almond milk for maintaining a vegan habit. This is a YouTube thumbnail template designed for vegan food. It is a simple thumbnail design for sharing vegan food on YouTube. In this template, an image of a vegan sandwich is designed to show food example of a vegan food recipe. It can show the food clearly for the cooking tutorial. Besides, green color is used as a background color to match the vegan theme effectively. This thumbnail is designed with Visual Paradigm Online. With this online design tool, you can create your graphics by editing the texts, images, shapes, colors, etc. You can even upload any kind of image from your device on the page and edit the images with the adjustment of brightness, exposure, contrast, or other filter effects.

Finding a design tool to create a YouTube thumbnail? You can go to Visual Paradigm Online and search for the YouTube thumbnails templates for editing!

YouTube 썸네일 Template Specifications:
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이 YouTube 썸네일 템플릿은 목적에 맞게 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 콘텐츠 편집, 이미지 교체, 색상 변경, 디자인 블록 추가 또는 제거 등을 할 수 있습니다.
Dominant Color
1280 x 720 px

Easy Vegan Food Recipes - Episode 01

30 Minutes Cooking Tutorial For Beginners

즉석에서 멋진 디자인 만들기

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