Are you looking for a simple banner ad to promote your beauty store? This banner ad is compose nature elements, and elegant text. If your are running a organic skin care product store, this would be a great design to respresent your brand.

You can use this email header template right now and customize it to your liking. By using the Visual Paradigm Online banner ad builder, you can create an banner ad in just a few minutes, edit it as needed, and download it to your computer. Begin changing the email subject line as soon as possible!

Do you require additional banner ad? More modern banner ad templates are available in the InfoART library!

Anúncios de banner Template Specifications:
Este modelo de anúncio em banner pode ser personalizado para se adequar ao seu objetivo. Pode editar o conteúdo, substituir a(s) imagem(ns), alterar as cores, adicionar ou remover blocos de design e muito mais.
Dominant Color
728 x 90 px

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