Traveling To Iceland Brochure

Traveling To Iceland Brochure Iceland Travel Informational Tri Fold Brochure Editar este modelo
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For many people, Iceland is an unknown land. The first thing you need to know is that Iceland has a very small population. Iceland is bordered by Greenland to the west and Norway to the east, an island in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Reykjavik, the capital of the ice city, is the northernmost capital in the world. The name of Iceland and the high latitudes it occupies conjure up images of Eskimos or frozen snow caves. The shortest day of sunshine of the year occurs in December in Iceland, with only 3.2 hours of sunshine on that day. Iceland has a population of just over 330,000 so far (2017), so playing in the 2018 World Cup has set a new world record: "the country with the least population to reach the World Cup finals"; By 2020, Iceland will already have more than 350,000 inhabitants. Iceland has the lowest population density in Europe.

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Despite its location near the Arctic Circle, Iceland has a milder climate than one might expect, with four distinct seasons, thanks to the warm currents of the Gulf of Mexico. Iceland sounds icy, but it's not nearly as cold as you think. What Iceland really doesn't like is not the cold, but its blizzards and gloom.

If you've lived in Taiwan or Hong Kong for most of your life, you're bound to find Iceland freezing. But if you've ever been to New York, Prague, or Beijing in winter, you probably won't mind Iceland's cold.

Summer in Iceland starts around the end of May or June and lasts until August. Temperatures during this period mostly exceed 10°C. 10°C is a comfortable temperature for Icelanders. If the temperature is close to 15°C, it is already "very hot". If the temperature breaks another 15°C, it is called a "heat wave".

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Traveling to Iceland

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