SWOT Framework Infographics

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How to use SWOT analysis results?

Don't think your company will do better after SWOT analysis for no reason? We need to make use the results of your efforts, for example, make some improvement actions in order move forward. But how to think and expand? We offer another model called "USED" for your reference.

Take Improvement Actions Based on the SWOT Analysis Results

USED represents Use, Stop, Exploit and Defense. These four aspects are used inconjuntion with the four elements of SWOT to form the following four aspects

  1. Use - How to make full use of each Strength?

  2. Stop - How do you stop each weakness?

  3. Exploit - How to seize every opportunity?

  4. Defense - How to resist all kinds of threats?

Starting with the above model, develop the SWOT results into more concrete actions so that you can actually plan, implement, and improve.

Análise SWOT Template Specifications:
Este modelo de Análise SWOT pode ser personalizado de acordo com as suas necessidades, alterando o conteúdo, substituindo imagens e componentes de design, etc.
Dominant Color
1600 x 900 px

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